My usual message I like to remind people on Valentine's Day is to not forget all the other people you love besides your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/significant other/etc. I love sending cards to my family and friends just to say hello, hopefully induce a smile (and some endorphins), and to tell them they are important to me. This Valentine's Day, however, warrants some extra praise for the Husband Unit.
It's important to find someone who you can be completely yourself around and who loves you despite your faults--someone who understands and accepts that sometimes not taking yourself seriously is a necessary respite. Who thinks it's cute instead of weird when you motivate yourself to study like this:
Tigger won, in case you were wondering
And who equally enjoys some of your more lame hobbies (for a 20 something, anyway)
Jigsaw puzzles - the epitome of nerdy coupledom
Given all of my quirks that he lovingly accepts and my extreme inability to keep my desk/the kitchen/the apartment neat & organized for more than two minutes, I wanted to make something extra special for this Valentine's Day. As soon as I saw this Reese's Pieces Cake Bar Recipe, I knew I had to make it for the Husband Unit ASAP. Homeboy loves him some Reese's so why not make Reese's in cake form and mix in some actual Reese's throughout? Perfect! As an added bonus for those short on time, you can make it from a box mix. Sometimes using some shortcuts are acceptable.
Here's what you do: get your favorite chocolate cake mix and prepare it as directed replacing the oil with an equivalent amount of peanut butter (so if it calls for 1/4 cup oil, use 1/4 cup peanut butter) and mix in some Reese's minis or chopped up Reese's. If you like, you can top it off with a peanut butter frosting.
For the frosting:
1/2 cup butter (1 stick), room temperature
1 1/4 cup creamy peanut butter
1/2 - 1 cup powdered sugar (to taste)
Cream the butter then add the peanut butter and mix until well combined. Mix in the powdered sugar. Start with 1/2 cup and adjust to taste/consistency.
Personally, I thought the peanut butter frosting was a bit too much peanut butter, but the Husband Unit loved it. To each his own.
Lastly, if you are looking for an excellent romantic comedy to complete your Valentine's Day, I highly recommend Leap Year. It's even more appropriate because this is a leap year!!
If you're just looking for a soundtrack while you are whipping up this cake in 5 minutes flat, might I suggest Mama Cass's Dream a Little Dream of Me
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